What is Digislip?

Digislip is a free tool for teachers who want to responsibly notify parents of the creation of student profiles within digital learning applications and obtain verifiable consent to do so. Digislip is designed to provide teachers with a snapshot of Apps being used and parent approvals for those apps. Digislip helps the 21st Century teacher comply with COPPA’s notification and consent requirements for students under 13. Digislip also helps teachers build trust and understanding by clearly communicating about the use of digital learning apps and the creation of student profiles in these applications.

Who should use Digislip and why?

All teachers using digital learning platforms with user profiles should use Digislip. Digislip is especially helpful to teachers working with students under the age of 13 as Digislip helps ensure a COPPA compliant classroom where parents are notified and consent to the creation of online profiles with user information for children under 13.

What is COPPA?

COPPA is the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998. It is administered by the FDA. It holds website operators accountable to notify parents and obtain verifiable consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information for children under 13. Personal information covered by COPPA includes names, nicknames, email addresses, physical addresses, school information or city (considered other geo-location information), social security numbers, photos, video, and audio files of the child, any persistent identifier or tracker that can be used to recognize an individual’s use over time and/or across different websites, as well as any information that enables physical or online communication or contact with a specific individual (U.S. Government Publishing Office). According to the organization iKeepSafe, "When using educational technologies that collect COPPA protected personal information, schools act as intermediaries between vendors and students to obtain verifiable parent consent."

How does Digislip help obtain verifiable authorized consent?

Teachers enter Apps and Parents into a class, which generates an email notification to the parent. The email directs parents to the App website and has an easy “Approve” button for parents to provide email consent.

How much does Digislip cost?

Digislip is free for teachers to use. We are dedicated to helping teachers lead with responsible innovation and communication in their classrooms. We have premium features in development for school and district level implementation.

The information provided here is not legal advice regarding COPPA compliance. Digislip strives to provide basic awareness of this responsibility to its users.